2 min readAug 29, 2020
CS373 Fall 2020: Safin Kasturi
- Where did you grow up? I was born and raised in a suburb outside of Dallas, TX, called Plano.
- What high school did you attend? I went to Plano East Senior High School.
- What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school? In high school I was a part of my school swim team.
- Why did you come to UT? I think Austin is a great place to be for technology students, and UT CS is a reputable program.
- Why are you majoring in CS? I discovered I have a passion for programming and analytical problem solving, and CS is a good channel for me to employ those skills.
- Why are you in this class? I want to gain some exposure into the daily practices of a real software engineer.
- What are your expectations of this class? I will learn about the tools, technologies, and practices of a full time software engineer.
- How much Javascript/Python/Web programming do you already know? I don’t have too much exposure to Javascript or Python programming, however I have done some full stack web development in the past.
- How did you like the two lectures? I found the lectures interesting, I have already learned some new things from this class.
- How did you feel about the cold calling? I think cold calling is a good way to keep students engaged who otherwise wouldn’t be.
- What made you happy this week? The NBA is back, so I’m excited about that.
- What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? My pick of the week is a tool called Postman, which is great for testing and working on REST API’s.
Here is a photograph of me: